I'am Gaddar Kumar Chaudhary
Android Developer

Contact Resume


+91 7564078124


I'am Gaddar Kumar Chaudhary

I'm a passionate and enthusiastic learner who loves to play with data structure and algorithms. Interested in android development and problem-solving using java.


Profesional Skills


Programming Language

JAVA       KOTLIN       C

Area of Interest

Data Structures And Algorithms       Android Development

Familiar With

Js       Python       Git       Firebase       XML       Sql       Linux

Android Libraries & Architechture

MVC       MVVM       MVP       DataBinding       Coroutine       Retrofit       RecyclerView

Developer Tools

Android Studio       intelliJ idea       VS Code       Postman       GitHub      


Note App

Users can login with their separate accounts and can rely on the security of storing their personal notes without others getting it.

News App

This Android App shows News in a RecyclerView fetching data from open-sourced APIs


Create QR Codes and Scan QR Codes

Weather App

This application to fetch weather using city Name.

Chat App

Developed the application using Kotlin in Android Studio where the user can Authenticate their own email and can do private chat with anyone from the list of registered users.

Quotes app

You can read the most popular Quotes and auther name
